Learn more about the CIO Summit curriculum

Whether you're looking to enhance your skills, gain new perspectives, or expand your professional network, there's something for everyone in our 2024 CIO Summit agenda.

Built upon our tried-and-true CHIME Success Factors, we are pleased to include many additional modules reflecting the key issues in Digital Health today, including optimising the use of data, and managing workforce and budget constraints.  

To learn more about the faculty teaching our curriculum, click the button below.

Success Factors

Our curriculum is based on six ‘Success Factors’ that we have identified as core to a successful digital health leader’s skills set. These are:

  1. Working strategically for a digitally enabled future 

  2. Leading transformational change 

  3. Implementation tactics and building teams 

  4. Achieving organisational value 

  5. Utilising and establishing networks and communities 

  6. Leadership communication 

These six core curriculum areas will be supplemented with sessions in: 

  1. Digitally enabled patient care 

  2. Data analytics, AI and decision support 

  3. Health technologies and innovation 

  4. Developing digital health as a profession 

  5. Preparing to lead and your holistic self


This curriculum is delivered by a group of expert faculty members, with varied specialisms and backgrounds.
Each faculty member offers their own personal experience to the session, bringing the agenda to life.


We recognise how important a dynamic learning experience is for our students. This is why our content is delivered through a variety of formats, including presentations, interactive sessions and workshops. You will also have the chance to collaborate and problem-solve with colleagues through self-directed case exercise challenges.


Balancing out periods of focussed learning, we prioritise breaks for networking, socialising, and unwinding. The relaxing environment of the Møller Institute, delicious meals and snacks, and organised activities including punting and a quiz night all come together to make the residential training both an enjoyable experience and an ideal space to form new connections.


CHIME UK joins the Federation for Informatics Professionals in Health and Care


Meet the faculty: April’s CIO Summit expert line-up